Professional Learning Funding Opportunities
Important logistical information regarding how funding applications will be reviewed. Staff Development will review your application. If it meets the requirements your application will be put on a Professional Learning Committee (PLC) agenda and the whole committee will review and vote on your application. Please keep in mind that PLC only meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the regular fall and spring semesters.
What We Fund
Funding Proposal Options
- Option 1: Funding for the development of professional learning workshop for the Teaching and Learning Certificate 2.0.
- Option 2: Funding for division or department specific Adjunct Professional Learning Day/s.
- Option 3: Funding for the development of one-time professional learning workshops/series.
- Option 4: Funding for a Professional Learning Day, Visitor Series to invite experts to do discipline specific professional learning that aligns with the Fullerton College’s SEA Plan.
Brief Summary of Deliverables for Each Funding Proposal
- Deliverable for Funding Option 1: The development of professional learning workshops for the Teaching and Learning Certificate 2.0. These workshops should be a minimum of six hours long. (These funding requests will be prioritized by Staff Development).
- Deliverable for Funding Option 2: The development of Adjunct Professional Learning Day/s for your division or department. (These funding requests will be prioritized by Staff Development).
- Deliverable for Funding Option 3: The development of one-time professional learning workshops. These workshops should be a minimum of four hours long.
- Deliverable for Funding Option 4: An invitation for experts to do discipline specific professional learning that aligns with the Fullerton College’s SEA Plan. Professional Learning Day, Visitor Series discipline specific experts can be paid with an honorarium (max $500) or paid as an independent contract (max of $5000).
Evaluation and Data Collection
In addition to creating professional learning workshops, you will need to work collaboratively with the Staff Development team and the Office of Institutional Effectives to assess your workshop’s success and collect participant data.
Data collection may include the following (but is not limited to):
- Pre-survey and post-survey for participants
- Anonymous course data collection
- Follow-up survey with participants in a future semester
Workshop Logistics
How will workshop proposals be funded?
- Pay rate for designing and facilitating will be at the professional expert rate of $55 per hour. Each hour of workshop time = 2 hours prep time + 1 hour of facilitation at the rate of $55 per hour.
- If applicable, stipends for participants are $40 per hour.
- Visitor Series Professional Learning Day discipline specific experts can be paid with an honorarium (max $500) or paid as an independent contractor (max of $5000).
What will be required in my proposal?
- Workshop Title.
- Workshop Description. This should be detailed and specific. These funds are to develop a professional learning workshop. Please keep in mind that these funds are not for research on a topic but rather developing a workshop on an area of your expertise.
- List your workshop goals. These should include what you hope to accomplish during the workshop.
- Description of Alignment to SEA 2.0 Plan & Campus Goals. This section should describe how your workshop aligns to the SEA 2.0 plan and Fullerton College Goals.
- Activities/Schedule. Describe a list of activities and schedule for the workshop.
- How will you assess the workshop’s success? This should include a list of ideas. You will work collaboratively with Staff Development to develop pre-survey and develop a post-workshop evaluation.
- Proposed Budget. Include a budget for the professional expert pay for each faculty member who will be participating in the development and facilitation. If you are requesting a stipend for participants (if applicable), please include this in your budget proposal. Faculty participants may be eligible for stipends if these workshops occur outside of department/division meetings, Flex Days, or the TLC 2.0. Classified Professionals may be paid overtime. Managers are not eligible for additional compensation.
Important information regarding application review. Staff Development staff will review your application. If it meets the requirements your application will be put on a Professional Learning Committee (PLC) agenda and the whole committee will review and vote on your application. Please keep in mind that PLC only meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the regular fall and spring semesters.
As part of Staff Development’s professional learning initiatives, you are invited to apply for funding to develop professional learning for Fullerton College staff. This funding opportunity is designed for staff who wish to serve as learning leaders in their departments, divisions, and across our campus. This opportunity is open to all classified professionals, faculty (part-time and full-time), managers and professional experts. All professional learning funded by Staff Development needs to have a clear alignment to Fullerton College’s goals, the current Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Plan, and/or the current Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibly and Anti-Racist (DEIAA) initiatives.
Staff Development believes that professional learning has great potential to improve practices in ways that can reduce disproportionate impact (DI) for students across our campus. Fullerton College’s DI focus for the SEA 2.0 Plan for 2022-2025 is to support Black/African American students and Latina/o/x students. Below you can review the metrics and the DI group selected for each metric. If you would like to review the complete SEA 2.0 Plan, click here.
Metric 1: Successful Enrollment
- Black/African American
Metric 2: Completed Transfer-Level Math & English
- Black/African American
- Latina/o/x
Metric 3: Retention from Primary Term to Secondary Term
- Black/African American
Metric 4: Completion
- Black/African American
Metric 5: Transfer
- Black/African American
- Latina/o/x
Staff Development encourages a small group of experts who are committed educators to collaborate and develop evidence-based, equity-minded practices and to experiment with new instructional strategies in order to develop professional learning for our campus community.
Please read the information in the various sections below which explain the guidelines, requirements, and limitations of funding proposals.
Funding and Deliverables Explained In-Depth
DELIVERABLE 1: Teaching and Learning Certificate 2.0
Staff Development will prioritize funding the development of professional learning for our Teaching and Learning Certificate 2.0 (TLC 2.0).
The TLC program is designed to provide Fullerton College personnel with opportunities for professional learning that improves their practice and contributes meaningfully to student success. TLC 2.0 workshops should be a minimum of 6-hours but could be a maximum of 20-hours. The TLC 2.0 is meant to provide training that deeply engages staff members in a particular learning area and provides time for trainees to apply their learning through the completion of deliverables. If you are applying for TLC 2.0 funding, please be advised that we ask for a commitment to facilitate once-a-year for two years.
Our hope is to begin offerings for the TLC 2.0 in Fall of 2024. Applicants who plan to develop professional learning for the TLC 2.0 will be prioritized for funding.
DELIVERABLE 2: Adjunct Professional Learning Day
Developing an Adjunct Professional Learning Day (APLD) is an opportunity for faculty to collaborate to meet the changing needs of their departments and our campus. We encourage faculty to develop discipline specific workshops that are aligned with the SEA 2.0 plan and Fullerton College Goals. Funding for APLD also includes stipends for adjunct faculty. We do encourage that workshops be a minimum of 4-hours but this is not required to be approved. Staff Development will also prioritize funding APLD applicants.
Reminders about conditions for paying adjunct faculty stipends:
- the workshop must take place during an intercession between semesters.
- a list of participant names and Banner ID numbers must be submitted as a Board agenda item at a Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting prior to the workshop.
- division staff will work together with Staff Development to arrange Professional Expert contracts for full-time faculty who plan and facilitate the workshop and stipend memo for adjunct faculty for BOT approval.
DELIVERABLE 3: One-Time Professional Learning Workshops
Professional Learning Workshops (PLWs) can vary in length. We do ask that workshops be a minimum of 4-hours (unless special circumstances dictate otherwise). PLWs should be designed to provide Fullerton College staff with opportunities for professional learning that improve their practice and contributes meaningfully to student success. The professional learning developed for these workshops should be aligned with the SEA 2.0 plan and Fullerton College Goals. PLWs are meant to provide training that deeply engages staff members in a particular learning area and provides time for trainees to apply their learning through the completion of deliverables.
PLWs are meant to encourage faculty, classified professionals, professional experts, and managers to develop professional learning and support the creation of such workshops through Professional Expert contracts. Stipends may be available for trainees.
As a reminder PLWs should be aligned with the SEA 2.0 Plan and Fullerton College goals.
DELIVERABLE 4: Visitor Series Professional Learning Day
Visitor Series Professional Learning Day (VSPLD) can be varied in length. We do ask that workshops be a minimum of 6-hours. VSPLDs should be designed to provide discipline specific workshops, which are not already offered by Staff Development, that are aligned with the SEA 2.0 plan and Fullerton College Goals.
We understand that at times it is necessary to invite a discipline specific expert to lead professional learning that improves instructional practices and contributes meaningfully to student success. VSPLDs are meant to provide training that deeply engages staff members in a particular learning area and provides time for trainees to apply their learning through the completion of deliverables. Visitor Series
Professional Learning Day discipline specific experts can be paid with an honorarium (max $500) or paid as an independent contract (max of $5000).
How to Apply
To apply please review the above and complete your application via the following
Microsoft Form:
To view a plain text of this page and a sample application click here: Staff Development Funding_Complete Guidelines.pdf
Staff Development staff will review your application. If it meets the requirements your application will be put on a Professional Learning Committee (PLC) agenda and the whole committee will review and vote on your application. Please keep in mind that PLC only meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the regular fall and spring semesters.