Teaching and Learning Certificate
The TLC program is designed to provide Fullerton College educators (classified staff, managers, and faculty, both full-time and part-time) with opportunities for professional learning that helps them improve their practice and contribute meaningfully to student success.
To earn the certificate, educators will engage in 20 hours of professional learning across three categories of their choice, with a minimum of 5 hours in each category.
Full-time faculty who have not yet reached column E on the salary schedule will be eligible to earn 1 unit of salary advancement credit for completing the TLC program. Complete the Equivalent Unit Credit Form, and submit it to your Immediate Management Supervisor (IMS) before starting the program. Once you receive a verified and signed copy of the Equivalent Unit Form with all three signatures (IMS, VPI, & HR) in your Campus Mailbox, submit a copy to cescobedo@fullcoll.edu.

Upcoming Workshops:
To Participate:
Fill out the TLC Statement of Intent to register your participation. Once we have your statement, Staff Development will track your participation.
Print out the TLC Tracking & Verification Form to keep track of your progress.
Return all completed forms to Clarissa Escobedo (cescobedo@fullcoll.edu)
Program Categories
Instructional Practice and Student Success
Instructional Technology
Online Pedagogy
Web-Enhanced Instruction
Instructional Software and Applications
Active and Collaborative Learning
Service Learning and Civic Engagement
Undergraduate Research
Project-Based Learning
Reading Apprenticeship
Attending to the Affective Domain
Student Support
Faculty Advising
Creating Student Pathways
Academic Support Services
Effective Interactions with Students
Institutional Effectiveness
Program Review
Design and Assessment
Student Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes
Institutional Learning Outcomes
Service Area Outcomes
eLumen Training
Tenure Review
Shared Governance
Program Evaluation and Data Assessment
Website design and maintenance
Office software and programs
Leadership Training
Equity and Diversity
Cultural Intelligence and Responsiveness
Understanding Student Populations
Universal Design for Learning
Reducing Achievement Gaps
Habits of Mind
Fostering Growth Mindset
Mindfulness Practices
Online Habits of Mind Modules
Health and Wellness
Exercise and Diet
Stress Reduction
Work-Life Balance